Realising the importance of housing as primary need the employees of the NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, formed a Co-operative Group Housing Society called “ROYAL CO-OPERATIVE GROUP HOUSING SOCIETY”. The endeavour of the members was greatly assisted and supported by the members and the management of National Insurance Company Ltd., and General Insurance Corporation Limited.
The Royal Co-operative Group Housing Society Limited was formed in 1979 and registered with Delhi Development Authority for allotment of land and construction of flats. The land was ultimately made available to the Society at Rohini, Delhi in March, 1983.
M/s. C.P.Kukreja & Associates Pvt. Ltd. were appointed as Consultants to design the Housing Complex. The Executive Members and Architects worked intensively to finalise the design of the flats. The results of this joint effort produced a layout which consisted of large expenses on green areas and parks. The buildings consisted of 7 four storeyed blocks for A & B categories and 1 eight storeyed block for C category. Other facilities like Master T.V. Antenna, conduit telephone wiring, deep tube well were also part of the plan.